• Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY)
    • Ministry of Rural Development
    • Government of India


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Collaborate with SAGY GPs in their development

As per Para 14 of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana Guidelines, each Gram Panchayat should proactively tap the resources and the strengths of the private, voluntary and cooperative sectors (PVC Sector) which could help in making available relevant technologies for local adoption and making investments / providing services for local economic development, either independently or to supplement Government efforts.

To Leverage the strengths of the private, voluntary and cooperative sectors (PVC Sector) for SAGY, the Ministry requested State Governments to compile and forward those projects under SAGY which require technical and/or financial assistance from PVC Sectors so that they can be made available on a single web page.